Erasmus+ Europe

Any UP staff member can participate in Erasmus+ training. Training can be held in organisations of various kind, any public or private organisation from EU Member States and third countries associated to the programme, active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research and Innovation, including universities and their research centres.

Qualification requirements

Staff applying for training abroad must be employed by UP.  The FTE or the form of employment is irrelevant.

Staff member interested in a training should take part in a competitive selection at the sending department/unit.

While the selection criteria fall fully within the competence of the department/unit, they must be transparent and fair. The selection procedure must be documented, either in a printed report or in the IS STAG.

The sending department/faculty is responsible for following the qualification conditions and the selection procedure.

The deadline for selection and providing the report to the Office for Mobility (RUP) is April 30 for mobilities of the following academic year. Additional selection round can be announced for mobilities of the summer semester with the deadline on October 10.

Duration of the activity

The minimum length of the training mobility is 2 days, maximum 60 days.

The priority of UP is to enable the international experience (training) to the greatest possible number of staff, therefore UP finances a maximum of one week of the training, in exceptional and justified cases 2 weeks.

Weekend days are not counted and financed unless training is carried out and confirmed on these days.

The start date of the mobility period shall be the first day that the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving institution and the end date shall be the last day the participant needs to be physically present at the receiving institution.

If relevant, 1 day for travel before the start of the mobility period and 1 day for travel after the mobility period can be added. If travel takes more than one day, the day, when the substantial/international portion of travel is carried out is counted and financed.

If the participant chooses a sustainable (green) means of travel (train, bus, shared car) for a substantial portion of the journey, it is possible to add maximum of 3 days before and 3 days after the mobility period for travel. The participant must document the necessity of these extra days. The institutional coordinator must approve the allocation of extra days.

Scope and format of training

No format is prescribed, as the training may involve training assignments at a partner organisation, job shadowing, a course etc. The condition is to acquire new competence and skills applicable at home organisation. Participation in conferences is not considered a training activity.

The scope of training should match the approved training programme and be sufficient to achieve the training goals.

Mobility Agreement

Prior to departure, the Mobility Agreement for Training needs to be prepared and approved.

The form must be completed and approved by the three parties:

  • Participant – UP employee carrying out the mobility
  • Sending institution – head of the sending department/unit
  • Receiving institution – head of the receiving department/unit

Mobility Agreement must be completed in Czech, English or in the language of the receiving institution.

The completed and approved (signed) Mobility Agreement must be presented to the staff mobility coordinator at the Office for Mobility in person or digitally (scanned copy) 2 weeks before the planned mobility at the latest.

Grant Agreement

Prior to departure, the participant must sign the Grant Agreement, which specifies the conditions of the mobility activity, particularly the travel dates and maximum Erasmus+ contribution, with the staff mobility coordinator at the Office for Mobility.

Any changes in the mobility details, made after the Grant Agreement has been signed, must be immediately communicated to the staff mobility coordinator at the Office for Mobility.

Erasmus+ grant support for staff training

Teaching mobility must be pre-financed by the sending department/unit. After closing the Travel order the Faculty will request the reimbursement from the Office for Mobility.

The financial support is calculated following the funding rules indicated in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

Maximum amount of Erasmus+ support will be indicated in the Grant Agreement as a sum of:

  • Subsistence costs contribution based on the number of mobility days (including travel) and the daily rate for the receiving country. Daily rates are available HERE.
  • Contribution to travel costs based on the travel distance according the distance calculator of the EC ( and the rate according the Erasmus+ Programme Guide:
    • 10–99 km:                          23 EUR
    • 100–499 km:                     180 EUR (210 EUR green travel)
    • 500–1999 km:                  275 EUR (320 EUR green travel)
    • 2000–2999 km:                360 EUR (410 EUR green travel)
    • 3000–3999 km:                530 EUR (610 EUR green travel)
    • 4000–7999 km:                820 EUR
    • 8000 km and more:        1500 EUR
  • It is possible to transfer funds between subsistence and travel costs.

The participant must provide proof of the actual dates of start and end of the mobility period, based on a certificate of attendance provided by the receiving organisation.

Should the actual proven length of mobility be shorter than indicated in the Grant Agreement, the financial support will be reduced accordingly.

The participant must complete a Travel order for international journey (TO) according to the current regulations of the University and the Faculty. The participant must receive a travel advance for meal allowance and other costs.

The TO must be closed in accordance with the UP internal regulations.

Meal allowance is calculated according the Ministry of Education regulation. Pocket money is not funded in Erasmus+.

It is possible to use Airbnb or private accommodation, it is necessary to provide a proof of payment.

Each participant may claim only their own expenses. If payment is made for more participants, the costs must be divided accordingly and claimed in separate TOs.

It is necessary to choose the most economical means of travel (economy class) and accommodation.

The use of a private car will be reimbursed as equivalent to the cost of travel using the most economical public transport option. The use of a car must be approved by the staff mobility coordinator at the Office for Mobility prior to the journey.

The cost of the public travel must be documented by a certificate issued/confirmed by an official transport provider or a print screen from the official e-shop of the provider.

The use of a car must be approved by the staff mobility coordinator at the Office for Mobility prior to the journey. The use of a private car will be reimbursed up to the limit of the Erasmus+ contribution stated in the Grant Agreement.

Full reimbursement is possible only for carpooling (two or more Erasmus+ staff mobility participants going to the same destination). When only one participant is using the car, the cost will be reimbursed as equivalent to the cost of travel using the most economical public transport option. In the case of carpooling the Head of the sending department/faculty will decide the form of reimbursement (full/public transport).

The cost of public transport must be documented by a certificate issued/confirmed by an official transport provider or a print screen from the official e-shop of the provider. Only economy-class transport without any supplements can be claimed.

The use of the car is possible only in accordance with the internal regulations of UP.

In the case of carpooling, only the participant who claims the use of the car in the TO is entitled to travel costs contribution as equivalent to the green travel rate.

As other costs only local travel during the mobility period can be claimed. Expenses such as literature purchase, copying, entry fees for museums, libraries, etc. are not eligible.

The request for reimbursement must be delivered to Mgr. Tereza Bernátková at the Office for Mobility as soon as possible after the journey.

Travel Insurance

Insurance for medical expenses and liability insurance is provided within the Palacký University travel insurance.

Information on travel insurance can be found HERE.

Confirmation of Training Assignment and Final Report

Upon return, the employee must submit the Confirmation of Erasmus+ Training Assignment in the required scope, issued by the receiving institution (department, faculty). 

The Confirmation of Training must include the name of the employee and receiving institution, the dates of the training, and the number of days of the training.

The confirmation must be submitted in original. Contact: Mgr. MgA. Tereza Bernátková, Division for International Cooperation, Vodární 6,, tel. 585 631 220.

The employee is obliged to complete the final report in the form of an online questionnaire. After the mobility, the employee will be invited to complete the online questionnaire in an email sent to the address indicated in the Grant Agreement.

All documents and forms are available in Documents.

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