Cooperation Agreement

Palacký University Olomouc has more than 100 cooperation agreements signed with partner institutions from all over the world. These cooperation agreements enable mobilities and exchanges of students and academic staff.

Nomination of students by coordinators (Information for coordinators at partner institutions)

  • Nomination period starts on 15 March 2025.
  • We only accept nominations and applications via our online system. No further documents are required by post as all parts of the application can be submitted online.
  • All Palacký University Olomouc partner institutions will be sent an information e-mail (from address - this is an automatic email, please never reply or send emails to it) with instructions for online nomination including a unique link to access the UP nomination and application system. Only on your request we will generate a new link, otherwise please note, that the link can be used repeatedly in the following year(s).
  • To nominate your students for the field of study stated in our bilateral agreement please follow instructions written in the information e-mail.
  • After you submit the nomination in our online system, an informative e-mail about our online application procedure will be sent to the nominated student.

Should you need any additional information, please contact the coordinator for incoming students:

Online Nomination Deadlines:



whole academic year/winter semester*

May 15**

summer semester*

October 15**


*winter semester/first semester – September –January/February
*summer semester/second semester – February – June

It will not be possible to accept nominations/applications after the deadlines.

Summary of nomination steps for a coordinator at partner institution

When you accessed the online nomination system using the received link:

  • Step 1.   Check and update your institution profile information if needed
  • Step 2.   Nomination - enter the students data
  • Step 3.   Nomination submitted
  • Step 4.   An informative e-mail about UP application procedure is sent to the nominated student.

Please note that no e-mail from us confirming that your nomination was submitted/received is sent to you. In the nomination system you can see the list of nominated students and on the left side just please check the status - a blue button stating Nominated after you submitted the nomination by clicking on SUBMIT on the right confirms that your nomination has reached us.

Cancelation of the Mobility

  • It is really important to let us know if the mobility of the nominated/accepted student has been cancelled. Using the online nomination and application system, we would appreciate if you cancel the mobility directly in the system, instead of sending an e-mail, which could be sent additionally.
  • The UP online nomination and application system will enable to cancel the mobility any time during the application process or even after the acceptance. Please note that the cancelation is not required from both the coordinator and the student, it is sufficient if it is done by one of them.

If the mobility is cancelled after the nomination has been submitted, the coordinator or the student must WITHDRAW their online application by clicking on the WITHDRAW button in the application form.

Application process (Information for nominated students)

After your home institution has submitted your online nomination, you will receive an e-mail with information and a link to access the application form. (Please note that this year there may be a few days between the online nomination and the information e-mail being sent to you).

Online Application Deadlines:




whole academic year/winter semester*

May 31

June 15

summer semester*

October 31

November 15

*winter semester/first semester – September –January/February
*summer semester/second semester – February – June
**visa non-required = EU, Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland citizens

It will not be possible to accept applications after the deadlines.

Summary of application steps for the student

  • Step 1. An informative e-mail about UP application procedure is received by the nominated student
  • Step 2. Online application including personal information, courses selection, a request for accommodation, the orientation week and required appendices is submitted by the student (see deadlines)*
  • Step 3. Learning Agreement is created by the student via IS/STAG (ECTS Arrivals - based on e-mail instructions from the Faculty coordinator)
  • Step 4. Letter of acceptance is sent to the nominated/accepted student

Should you need any additional information please contact a respective coordinator for incoming students mentioned above but make sure that you have read carefully the guidelines.


Please, never forward the online application link to anyone else! (The application link assigned to you can be used repeatedly. If you think that an unauthorized person uses your link, please let us know asap and we will generate a new unique link, which will be sent to your email address.)

Please note, that if you cancel your mobility during the application process or even after you are accepted, you must WITHDRAW your online application by clicking on the WITHDRAW.


  • Students coming from non-European countries must apply for a long-term visa for the purpose of study.
  • Your UP coordinator will send you an original copy of two documents needed for a visa application: Certificate of Study and Accommodation Acknowledgement (provided that the student applied for the accommodation at the dormitory). Please note that these are not the only documents needed for the visa application. The list of required documents can be found on the respective Czech embassy website.
  • It is necessary to apply for a visa at least 2 months before the start of the semester.
  • Further information about visa can also be found here.
  • Always inform your UP coordinator about the status of your application for visa.

Medical insurance

  • Travel health insurance must cover the costs of comprehensive health care for the entire stay in the Czech Republic.
  • Students need to arrange comprehensive health insurance which must include:
    • the minimum insurance cover EUR 400,000 without co-payment.
    • must include preventive and follow-up (= regular medical supervision during certain disease) treatment and care related to pregnancy and childbirth.
  • We highly recommend purchasing Comprehensive Health Insurance PLUS/EXCLUSIVE from the Czech insurance company VZP
  • Health insurance must be bought on-line before picking up the student visa at the Embassy of the Czech Republic.
  • The student is required to obtain the insurance with his/her own means.


Ms. Anna Přílučíková

Office for Mobility RUP
Vodární 6
779 00 Olomouc
Office no. 1.21

  • receives and administrates nominations from partners
  • provides information on application process and general information
  • provides documents as confirmation of arrival, confirmation of study period
  • organizes the Orientation Week for incoming students
  • supports a new cooperation establishment for particular regions

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