AIA Intergovernmental Agreements
The Academic Information Agency (AIA) is a part of the Centre for International Cooperation in Education, a subsidised organization funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport of the Czech Republic with a view to implementing tasks related to education, training, and other contacts with foreign countries. It collects, processes, and disseminates information about education opportunities abroad for Czech citizens (chiefly HE students, postgraduate students, and teachers).
The scholarship is offered in two forms:
Quota system
The quota system involves scholarships to selected countries that the MEYS allocates to specific HEIs in the Czech Republic for the given academic year. These scholarships are open solely to applicants at the given university, and the candidates are selected by the rector’s office.
The scholarships are not linked to specific HEIs abroad. Applicants are expected to seek by themselves the contacts they are interested in in relation to their field of study.
For more information, please refer to the DZS.
Source: DZS website
Current quota allocation 2023/2024
Type of stay: Chinese Summer Courses in PRC in 2022 for Chinese Teachers
Number of places available for UP: 2 + 1 substitute
Length of stay: 2-4 weeks
Deadline for submitting the application: 15. 03. 2023
Competitive selections
Applicants from all public HEIs in the Czech Republic are eligible to apply for scholarships advertised within competitive selections.
The scholarships are not linked to specific HEIs abroad.
Applicants are expected to seek by themselves the contacts they are interested in in relation to their field of study.
The duration of exchange, number of scholars, requirements on applicants etc. depend on international (bilateral) agreements based on which the scholarships are offered to the Czech Republic.
The MEYS announces tenders for scholarships abroad based on international agreements. (The AIA provides information).
For more information please go to DZS.
Source: DZS website
A SEARCH ENGINE serves to search for study abroad options by country.
Dům zahraničních služeb: http://www.dzs.cz
Senovážné náměstí 26
111 21 Praha 1
e-mail: aia@dzs.cz
UP contact person
Should you have any questions regarding MEYS scholarships, please refer to the UP Office for Mobility, specifically Anna Přílučíková.
We ask the participants, to announce their mobility at the International Office of their Faculty, where they may ask for travel costs reimbursement as well as travel insurance.
AKTION CR - Austria
The AKTION programme offers scholarships for study stays in Austria for the preparation of a diploma, dissertation or habitation thesis, as well as scholarships for participation in German/Czech summer language courses in Slovakia by students (so-called summer colleges) and scholarships for university teachers to complete a research/lecture stay.
The aim of the programme is to support bilateral cooperation in science and education in the higher education sector.
AKTION provides scholarships and grants for collaborative projects for:
- students of all scientific fields
- academic workers of all scientific fields
- EU, EEA and Swiss citizens
A stay is possible at one of the authorized Austrian institutions:
- public universities
- vocational colleges
- pedagogical colleges
- accredited private universities
Scholarship application deadlines can be found at https://www.scholarships.at/:
- students of master and doctoral programmes: 15.3. for WS, 31.10. for SS
- university teachers: 15.3. and 31.10. (1 - 3 month stay), 15.4. and 30.11. (1 month stay)
- postdoctoral students: 15.3.
You can find more information on the DZS website or at the e-mail address aktion@dzs.cz.
Source: DZS
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is an association of German universities and student organizations with headquarters in Bonn. It is financed mainly from the funds of the ministries of the Republic of Germany. DAAD is not only dedicated to granting scholarships, but it also supports the internationalization of German universities, German studies and the German language abroad.
Brief overviews of the individual types of DAAD scholarships can be found in the scholarship finder on the AIA website.
Source: DZS