Olomouc Welcomes the World: International Haná Festival 2024

Photo: Simona Soušková
Čtvrtek 17. říjen 2024, 14:37 – Text: Anna-Marie Konečná

On Saturday, October 5th, two special events took place in Olomouc. The first carried a national spirit, celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the first Czech President, Václav Havel. The second event embraced an international spirit with the International Haná Festival, organized by Welcome Office of Palacký University and Archdiocesan Charity of Olomouc, supported by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic as part of the Integration of Foreigners 2024 program.

The primary idea behind the event was to facilitate the sharing of cultures, experiences, and traditions between International and national community. The long-term goal of these activities is to create an inclusive environment not only within the university but also throughout Olomouc, where people from diverse backgrounds feel welcome and become part of both the university and the broader local society said director of Welcome Office Alena Vyskočilová.

The International Haná Festival offered a diverse program, featuring international music performances, world cuisine tastings, interactive workshops, and a science show.

Visitors had the opportunity to enjoy a performance by the folklore ensemble Pantlék, a demonstration of Capoeira martial arts, a traditional Vietnamese show featuring a dragon and fan dance, and a science show presented by Fort Science.

Palacký University Press hosted block-making workshops, while the Maple Bear School presented its educational offerings. Confucius Institute Olomouc gave attendees a chance to try on traditional Chinese costumes, create paintings, and practice calligraphy. The Japanese Center introduced visitors to Japanese tea and demonstrated the art of gift wrapping, known as furoshiki. Guests could also try American corn hole, French pétanque, traditional hair braiding by students from Kenya, and many other activities.

No international festival would be complete without a taste of global cuisine. The International Haná Festival offered Indonesian delicacies from Balikejk, Balkan and Romanian dishes from Bacania, cheese tartare and a special beer from the Czech brewery Twinberg, Haná region delicacies from Věrka, and high-quality coffee from the Coffee Library.

The aim of the festival was to engage international community living in Olomouc in the life of the city and create an environment where they could feel inspired, have fun, and feel supported. At the same time, the organizers wanted to show residents that meeting foreign cultures is an opportunity for learning and growth, demonstrating that diverse cultures can coexist harmoniously and mutually enrich one another.

Despite the inclement weather, more than 250 people attended the event, including families with children, making it a successful and meaningful celebration of diversity and community.



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